If you were ever to find yourself in the valley of the shadow of death, you might fear that you would have an encounter with an R.O.U.S. What is an R.O.U.S. you ask? An R.O.U.S. is a r odent o f u nusual s ize. They will kill you. If you have no idea what I am talking about then just think of a wolf. A wolf is not an R.O.U.S., but since you are so culturally out of touch with Princess Bride-isms, a wolf will have to do. Think of you being a sheep and an R.O.U.S. being a wolf--you'd be scared. You'd be lunch! In the well known psalm it says: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me ;" Today my family and I attended a funeral, and of course, they quoted psalm 23. As I sat and listened to the discussion at the funeral I had an overwhelming feeling of how awesome christian funerals are. I don't mean "christian" funerals. I mean a funeral for someone who is without a shadow of a doub...