"Why don't we go to the elders and have them anoint me with oil and pray over me", asked Maggie when she was sick and near death. "Why don't we"? "Why don't we"? I asked myself. "Why"? "I don't know. I suppose we could". "Well, it says in the bible to go to the elders if you are sick", Maggie said. "I know". After some time, maybe six months? I don't know, but after waaaaay too much time, I finally agreed to go to the elders and have them anoint Maggie with oil and pray for her. Why so long? One reason--unbelief. Which of course, is rooted in pride. I am a Mr. Fix it, so I felt like we could handle it without 'bothering' any one else. Wrong. Also, I had an unbelieving attitude that thought if God chose not to heal Maggie then we'd be embarrassed. That sounds so odd and stupid even to say it in a sentence. Have I not even read the bible? God chooses to heal some and not oth...