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Showing posts from October, 2018


If you knew me you wouldn't like me The expert Do you know what makes someone an expert? An expert is someone who lives more than fifty miles from you and travels with a briefcase. We invite these experts to our church meetings, our businesses and other gatherings. We call them the "Guest speaker". What makes the "Guest speaker" an expert? Well, he lives more than fifty miles from his speaking venue and he shows up with a briefcase. Or maybe a backpack if he's a hipster. We even pay these experts to come and present their goods. Now, I'm not knocking paying knowledgeable people to come to teach others. This is a good thing. The danger comes in when the "Guest speaker" becomes more than someone who shares knowledge. Dare I say, they become an idol? We live in a star struck culture and the "experts" are not exempt. May I have your autograph? I heard one man who is definitely an "expert" say that s...

Jesus Has Left the Building.

 I Think Jesus Has Left My Church? But Grandma, I think Jesus has left? Have you ever thought that your church's Christianity doesn't look like the Christianity in the bible? Do you think you believe Jesus, but something doesn't seem right at your church? Do you long for the vibrant faith of the first Christians? Does Grandma's faith seem real, but not many other's? Are you afraid to tell Grandma that Jesus might have moved on? Have you ever thought these thoughts? Or thoughts like them? If so, I don't think you are alone. I think many people ask these questions. Can Jesus leave? Will Jesus leave? Do you think Jesus would really leave? Is that even possible? I think it is not only possible, but I think it has happened to thousands upon thousands of church buildings around the world. Can you say, "dead church"?  Jesus leaves and man props up his building with programs, potlucks and a whole bunch of guilt and cond...