Christian Giving as Prescribed in the New Testament
If you ask Christians how much we should give to the church,
you will get an innumerable amount of answers. Some answers will be wrong, but
many will be right. According to the N.T. we are not instructed to give any
specific amount. As a matter of fact, some are said to actually have a special
gift of giving (Romans 12:8). The following is a very brief explanation of N.T.
giving as prescribed for the Christian.
The Tithe that Binds!
The N.T. never instructs the believer to “tithe”. Tithe
means tenth. If you want to tithe, that is your choice and you are neither
required to do so, nor are you limited by a tenth.
Family First
Give to yourself and family first. This should go without
saying, but many have erred in this.
1 Tim 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his
relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied
the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
The take away from this is—DON’T give away until you have
provided for your own needs. Needs not wants. This would include
savings for things you will need(House repairs, car repairs, etc). Guard your
hearts against the idols of materialism and greed, against the lust of the
flesh and lust of the eyes and boastful pride of life (1Jn 2:16).
As You Prosper and Desire
Give in proportion to how God has prospered you. Give as
your heart desires. Where God guides--God provides—they say. Assuming that
everyone who is able to work, is working, then God provides varying amounts to
His saints. God’s children will desire to give to God’s family/church and the
work they do. If you fear that your heart might be selfish and you might be
given to the lusts of the flesh—then repent and cry out to God for His mercy.
He is faithful. Many good believers don’t have a money problem—they have a
self-control problem. Let’s confess our sins to God, for He is faithful to
forgive us.
1 Cor 16:1-3 “Now concerning the
collection for the saints: as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you also
are to do. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put
something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that
there will be no collecting when I come. And when I arrive, I will
send those whom you accredit by letter to carry your gift to
Ps 37:3,4 “Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
You’re Not the Boss of Me!
Nobody can tell you how much to give—only God can—by His
Spirit who dwells within you.
1 Cor 3:16 "Do you not
know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?”
Proportionate Giving?
As God prospers you more, it should not result in higher and
higher standards of living or wasteful spending, but an increase in giving.
An example of what giving “as he may prosper” might
look like:
Single Guy Christian 1 makes $25,000 per year and he chooses
to give 10% away. This is $2,500.
Single Guy Christian 2 makes $50,000 per year and he chooses
to give 10% away. This is $5,000.
They are both giving 10% right? Christian 2 is actually
giving more money, right? Well let’s look at it a different way.
Single Guy Christian 1 gives away $2,500, and has $22,500
left for himself to live on.
Single Guy Christian 2 gives away $5,000, but he has $45,000
left for himself to live on.
So, when you see it this way, Christian 2 has $22,500 MORE
to live on than Christian 1. Does Christian 2 HAVE to give more? No! Is God
prospering him so that he might give more? Most likely.
Give where or to whom?
A Baptist, a Presbyterian and an Evangelical are discussing giving money. They draw a circle in chalk on the pavement below them.
The Baptist says: "We should take the money and throw it in the air, and whatever lands inside the circle, we give to God."
The Presbyterian says: "No, we should throw it in the air and whatever lands outside the circle we give to God."
The Evangelical says: “No, we throw it in the air; whatever God wants, He keeps!”
Where you give and to whom you give is totally and completely up to you. You don't have to just dump your money in an offering plate. You may give it wherever you desire.
Give what?
We tend to assume that giving equals money. You can give hours upon hours of labor to your neighbor, but if you haven't dumped cash in the offering plate--then you haven't given. This is a terrible and unfortunate result of our modern society. The problems this idea have created are beyond the scope of this blog, but don't fall into that trap. If you are in that trap, change your mind.
Final Words
Don’t try and keep up with the Joneses. The Joneses aren’t
going anywhere!
Don’t put yourself under the bondage of giving what you
don’t have.
Don’t be greedy with what God has prospered you.
Learn how to make a budget so that you will not waste what
God has provided.
God doesn't need your money, so don't think you will impress Him by giving more.
God doesn't need your money, so don't think you will impress Him by giving more.
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