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Showing posts from April, 2018

Fear Factor

What do you fear? Fear falling? Fear dying? Fear losing a family member? Fear losing a job? Fear losing money? Fear losing health? Fear that others don't like you? Fear the Boogy Man? What is it that you fear? God instructs us to fear Him. Is fearing God the same as fearing spiders? Don't skim too quickly through the following quotations--let them sink in. Jesus had this to say about fear: “ I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows ." And John tells us this: "God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfecte...

Single With Children. Moving from Single Guy to Family Leader.

I recall a time back in Montana when Kim(Maggie) said to me, "You're home, but you're not home." She said my mind was always somewhere else. That I'm willing to serve everybody in the community, but not my family. She was right. I was running everywhere--helping everyone--involved in every "church ministry". I had to realize I had moved from "single" guy to family leader. My season of life had changed and I hadn't. We live in a world today where many men and women never stop being "single" with children. Many children today live in the same home with their biological parents, but they belong to a different family. Everyone in the family belongs to a different family. Even husbands and wives belong to different families. I have even heard of husbands and wives going to different churches. Absurd! It should not be this way. You might ask, "How can family members actually be part of a different family"? Well, the old sayin...

Busy Bee

So they would have you think Many years ago I sat in the pastor's office at church. I had lots of questions--he had lots of answers. One question I asked him was about how to meet others in the church and develop relationships with them. I complained that everyone is always so busy. He responded with an assured smile, "So they would have you think".  "So they would have me think"?  I sat bewildered. Did he just say they are putting up a front? And this whole time I thought it was just me! It probably was me, but at least it wasn't ALL me! The American way It really is isn't it? The American way, I mean. Being busy is just as American as apple pie. We puff our chests out and say, "I've been really really busy lately"! Even if we've just spent the last 12 hours watching reruns of Criminal Minds, we still say we have been busy. Why is this? It's the American way. It's woven into the fabric of our culture. Not ...

"Jesus, What Do We Suck At"?

What tribe are you from? There is a new trend among some Christians. What Christian tribe do you belong to, is the question being asked. What Christian tribe are you from? Tribe--community--gang. What's the difference? Not only do you have to identify your tribe, but you also need to learn how to live within this tribe. Living within a tribe is called a community. There are hundreds of books written on the subject of community. I've actually read many good ones. And some not-so-good ones. Why would someone write a book on how to live within a tribe/community? Is something the matter with us? Isn't living in a community as basic and instinctual as sleeping and eating? Sampler Look around, we have online communities, gay communities, gardening communities, homeschool communities, church communities, suburb communities, golf communities, exclusive communities, gated communities, ecovillage communities, intentional communities, Amish communities, hippie commun...

The Deceiver, by Maggie Durocher

“ A crucial part to every army is the intelligence branch. Intel gathers up information about the enemy so they can be equipped and prepared. In Ephesians 6: 11-12 Paul gives us information about the devil’s schemes. Which is cunning, craftiness and deception. Just like a wild animal stalks his prey, then springs in surprise, so does Satan attack with stealth and deception.” Gregory Brown “Spiritual Warfare”  Article here Liar! Who me? Thanks, Mom. Most of my life has involved deception, whether me being deceived or my actions deceiving others. My mother was the master at manipulating people. Some would call this “charm”. For someone who was not a deep thinker, I was in awe of how she could spin words like webs into getting  people doing things the way she wanted. This is the same method used in fortune-telling. I was a palm reader, self taught through books and lots of people watching. I was also a portrait artist, so every face I saw was meticulously studied and o...

Church? Why Bother?

Movin' south, you guys y'all! When I moved south I noticed one thing. Well, one thing other than the kudzu. If you don't know what kudzu is--google it--then go plant some in your least favorite person's yard. If you ever travel to the south you will notice one thing. It is the most prominent thing everywhere you turn. The south of the United States is the Land O' Church Buildings! While Minnesota is the Land O' Lakes, the south is definitely the Land O' Church Buildings! Okay, okay--the close seconds are Chick-fil-a, the best BBQ joints in the world and cotton. Did I mention BBQ? You have to try it! Question Does meeting in a 'church' building once per week make you a Christian? If you ask many folks around here, the answer is yes. But I think we know better. We are the church The bible says that WE are the church. The 'called out' ones--the children of God--the believers--the chosen ones--the saints. All believers on the ...