So they would have you think
Many years ago I sat in the pastor's office at church. I had lots of questions--he had lots of answers. One question I asked him was about how to meet others in the church and develop relationships with them. I complained that everyone is always so busy. He responded with an assured smile, "So they would have you think".
"So they would have me think"?
I sat bewildered. Did he just say they are putting up a front? And this whole time I thought it was just me!
It probably was me, but at least it wasn't ALL me!
The American way
It really is isn't it? The American way, I mean. Being busy is just as American as apple pie.
We puff our chests out and say, "I've been really really busy lately"!
Even if we've just spent the last 12 hours watching reruns of Criminal Minds, we still say we have been busy.
Why is this?
It's the American way. It's woven into the fabric of our culture.
Not 'being busy' is a sign of weakness. If I haven't been busy, you might think I live in my parents basement and play video games all day!
That one bible study
About ten or fifteen years ago a good brother of mine invited me to a bible study he was hosting in the airplane hangar at our work. He flew the hospital airplane and I flew the hospital helicopter.
At the time I thought, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, your pastor is 'so special' and I really 'need' to hear his message. I doubt it, but I'll go". (Sorry Kenny :))
I walked out of the hangar a changed man. Once I was 'born again', but many times in my life I have been radically changed by God. Different stepping stones in my life. This was one of those stones I'll never forget.
His message? Pretty simple really. I don't remember the details, but I remember the message.
We are a busy people. Too busy for God and too busy for other people.
Every day when we wake up and proceed with our busy day without reading God's word and talking with him, we are saying to God, 'I don't need you, I got this'. It is nothing short of pride oozing out of every pore of our bodies.
We need to slow down and rest.
We need to wait on God.
We need to operate on God's time clock.
We need to be with Jesus.
Still stunned after the talk, I spoke with my friend who arranged the study. I told him that the pastor was right, 'but I feel like' friend finished my sentence...'a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands'. 'YES'! I exclaimed. 'I feel like I will be a sluggard if I do that'!
My friend told me that that was his first reaction too. 'Slow down'? 'How do Americans slow down'?
Time management--Jesus style
'Being busy' is a disease! Okay, maybe not a disease, but it is often sinful.
Yes, I just said it. 'Being busy' can sometimes be classified as sinful.
We don't have time for God--We don't have time for our family--We don't have time for friends--We don't have time for our church family--We don't have time to talk--We don't have time to study--We don't have time to read--We don't have time to evangelize or make disciples..
Seriously!!! We are so busy doing nothing! Nothing that matters to Jesus that is.
I know you are 'working hard to put bread on the table'.
'Don't judge me till you've walked in my shoes'!!
Give it up.
You are 'working hard' to keep up with the Joneses. And the Joneses aren't going anywhere.
Shortly after I 'got' this basic concept, I remember telling a friend that, 'I am still busy, but I am busy doing the right things'.
I was finally free from the bondage of busyness.
Will you join me in breaking free from the bondage of busyness?
Did Jesus lie when He said this, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
I don't think He was. I think He came to bring us rest.
Rest for restless souls.
Have you 'been' with Jesus?
"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."
Won't you join me in breaking free from the bondage of busyness?
Some practical advice called, 'Any train'
I heard a phrase years ago, 'If you don't know where you are going, any train will get you there'.
Are you on 'any' train? Or do you have a vision for the future you hope in?
You need a plan.
You need a vision.
In the front of my bible I developed two lists. One is a functional list of basics and the other is the long term goals. Together you might call them my 'train' and my 'destination'.
I know some of you reading this are way ahead of me in this area, but bear with me while I share.
List 1--the train:
1. Alone time with God.
2. Family worship time.
3. Teaching wife and children.
4. Relationship with wife.
5. Amount of debt bondage.
6. Attendance at public worship.
7. Sabbath/rest time.
8. Confession of known sins.
9. Discipleship.
List 2--the destination:
1. Family worship.
2. Corporate worship.
3. Hospitality
4. 0 debt, teach others about debt bondage.
5. Family business.
6. Foster/adopt
7. Taking care of my ailing mother.
And recently added--8. Plant a church.
When you develop a plan, all your activities should somehow be leading toward your destination. You must learn to say 'no' to the distractions. Even the good distractions.
When you develop a vision and begin to walk in it, you will soon be able to say, 'I am still busy, but I am busy doing the right things'.
“Be still, and know that I am God".
Song here:
Peace, be still
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This reminds me of a quote my Dad used to use, I can't remember the exact phrasing but the gist of it was, "we can easily mistake the dust we kick up in our own frenzied activity as the cloud of God's presence".
ReplyDeleteLiked your point about business needing a destination (goal).