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The King James Bible is from the Devil


How's that for click-bait?

Don't worry, I'm not going to do a boring lecture on bible translations. I wouldn't think it was boring, but most normal human beings would rather watch paint dry.

And herein lies our problem.

Most Christians never put any serious effort into understanding where the bible came from. And I'll tell you from experience, it's not that easy to research. There is so much garbage out there. Like the book in the picture above. It's absolute garbage and casts unnecessary doubt upon the word of God. It proclaims that ALL modern translations are from the devil.

Grandma says it's the only REAL bible

Back in 2001, I was involved with fighting wild fires in Montana.

I met a girl, Tracy, who worked for the forest service. She was not a Christian but was very interested to hear about Jesus. After many weeks working together, it was time to go home and I told her I would send her a bible and some other good books. She said that she'd get a bible herself, because it, "Had to be the King James bible. My grandma told me that it is the only REAL bible".

Yeah. There you have it. Grandma said so, that settles it.

Now, I respect her for honoring her grandma, but grandma also needs to be correct in her traditions.

Grandma is not correct. Or is she? Is the KJV the ONLY REAL bible?

Who's right?

I have spent hundreds of hours studying where our bible came from. It's just something that interests me very much. I am certainly no expert, but I know for sure that the King James 'only' advocates are wrong. Very, very wrong.

The King James bible is good--it's not from the devil. It's just an archaic English translation. But I think we have better translations. Sourced from better manuscripts. Being more useful for today.

And don't misunderstand me. I'm not talking about preferences. I'm talking about those who totally oppose ALL modern translations.

The King James translators would be the first to stand up and tell the KJV 'only' folks that they are wrong. As a matter of fact, in their original preface to the 1611 translation, they did just that.

Don't believe me?

"But how shall men meditate in that, which they cannot understand? How shall they understand that which is kept close in an unknown tongue"?

"...if we building upon their foundation that went before us, and being holpen by their labours, do endeavour to make that better which they left so good, no man, we are sure, hath cause to mislike us; they, we persuade ourselves, if they were alive, would thank us".

"For by this means it cometh to pass, that whatsoever is sound already …the same will shine as gold more brightly, being rubbed and polished; also, if anything be halting, or superfluous, or not so agreeable to the original, the same may be corrected, and the truth set in place".

The preface is long and I can't quote all of it, but they basically defend their right and the need to update our translations so that they are more accurate and easier to be understood by the common reader.

Go read it for yourself!

But I grew up on the King James?

That's great. Then read it! It's a fine translation. Don't change if you love it!
The problem is not with the actual translation; the problem is with the crowd that either unwittingly or deviously turn people away from the newer translations by casting doubt upon them. "The only REAL bible".

It's grandma's fault!

The KJV and the modern church

I will go so far as to say that the King James debate is one of the major things that is wrong with the church today. The King James controversy represents the modern church's stubborn refusal to adapt and change when change is necessary.

Jesus condemned tradition aggressively. He said it keeps people away from the true knowledge of God.
The King James controversy is based on tradition--not evidence.
The King James 'only' advocates say that the new translations are "polluted". They cast doubt on the word of God.

How about you? Do you promote the same philosophy? I don't mean, "Do you LIKE the KJV". But do you wrongly condemn the newer versions?

Read this quote below. Do you believe this? Why? Who is really casting doubt on the word of God?


"RSV, ASV, NIV, KJV II, etc.
These are abbreviations for corrupt and false translations of the Bible. You need not worry about initials or names not mentioned here, or the meaning of which you are uncertain. They all come from the same polluted source - some are a little more wormy than others, and that is the only difference. A little poison or a lot; the difference is one kills slowly and the other more quickly".

My story

I began my christian life as a KJV 'only' guy. Or more accurately, for those who understand, a Textus Receptus guy.
My poor wife!
My poor wife, who was just recently born again, could not understand why I was telling her that her Living Bible was from the Devil.

I'm so embarrassed!
But I had listened to men that I trusted(Big lesson learned).

Ken Ortize

Ken Ortize is a teacher in Spokane, WA. He did a ten part series on the bible translations.
After I listened to it I realized I had believed incorrectly. He presented evidence--lots of evidence.
I emailed Ken and asked him this,
"Ken, have you spoken with these other men who we both know to be King James guys about this evidence? What is their defense"?
Ken said, "Marc, I hate to tell you, but not everyone cares about evidence. These men grew up with the King James bible and they love the King James bible. When I try to talk with them about it, they don't want to talk or hear evidence. They just stick with their tradition and what they have believed for years".

I was shocked--and appalled. I was a new christian and thought that Christians would be the ones you can trust for facts based on evidence.
Such a wake up call. That one email changed my life forever. It's one of the things that drives me to be a skeptic. Skeptic in a good way.

What about you?

Are you casting doubt upon God's word? If you are doing it on purpose--shame on you. If you are doing it unwittingly--then stop!

Well that wasn't very encouraging

You might be thinking that this blog was a big downer. Not much to be encouraged by.
But if you've ever dealt with KJV 'only' people, you'd know it is a tremendous relief and encouragement to realize that God's word is found in the KJV, the NIV, the ESV, the NASB, the NLT, the HCSB, the Living Bible, the NET and yes, even the Message! Some translations are better than others, but you can read ANY of them. ANY!!

The most important thing is to read God's word. Read it constantly and be changed by it and share it with others.

Hear the Spirit:
"But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him".

Be free...Jesus came to set us free...

Healing Word


  1. I have come to really enjoy both the ESV and the Nouvelle Version, Second Revisee (French), but the 1984 NIV translation of Psalm 139 still stands as the most beautiful, IMO.

  2. Amen Marc! A Pastor in Tricities (that used the KJV in his church)once preached that any of the modern main stream english translations will lead you to Jesus if you would just read them.


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