A good christian would never say she doesn't need Jesus and one certainly would not say he doesn't need the church. Right?
But as the good little hypocrites that we are, we often say one thing and do something completely contrary.Just think of Peter, "Jesus, I'll die for you"!---"Who's Jesus? I don't even know the dude". Cock-a-doodle doo.
War and death
Have you ever noticed the bonds that are created by war and death? In George Washington's farewell address he spends an inordinate amount of time explaining that this,("You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together'), is a major reason for the success of the people's union. When the emotion wears off--the love will diminish. Think WWII "Victory garden". Where have all the Victory gardens gone?
The Federalists spent a great deal of their arguments explaining that, "When the love fades--you will need a strong federal government to protect you from your neighboring state".
We don't need each other
This, I believe, is the greatest challenge for the western church. We don't need each other. We want to need each other--we say we need each other--but we don't need each other. Prosperity and technology have made it so that we just don't need each other.
I have been a part of many church gatherings since I became a believer eighteen years ago and the problem is the same everywhere I go.
By and large, we ignore the problem because we don't know what the problem is. We feel the symptoms, so we create all kinds of programs to try and keep ourselves busy, thus creating the illusion that we are okay, but we can't seem to get to the root of it.
I've heard some say that we need persecution to fix the problem. I do believe this will fix it, but why do we need it? Why do we need external pressure to respond? Does not the Holy Spirit dwell within us? Are we really that weak?
I'm questioning myself here. I don't know the answer--but I desperately want to know it. I am going to tell you something God revealed to me about myself last month and let you decide if you can help me figure it out. How can we need each other when we don't need each other?
My grace is sufficient...
I've been having a tough few months--I'll admit it. I'm through it now, but the reason I'm through it is not because of some great "breakthrough". I'm through it because of a rebuke from God. Yes, you heard that right--a rebuke.
Last month Maggie received a word from God. Why didn't I get it directly you ask?--because I was being a blockhead--that's why!
Here's part of it which captures most of it: "Whether things work out or not, don't be like Jacob who constantly cries 'poor me' at every sacrifice and suffering. Be like Joseph who waited and trusted. Just as I have showed you in My Word. Do not think the devil is winning. I have this situation FIRMLY in my hand. Satan has no imagination, as you know, he is just doing his same old thing he always does, because it works. You and your husband bought it hook, line and sinker. Tell him he needs to stop pouting and start leading with faith. James 1:6-7. And you both need to stop whining and worrying and DOUBTING".
To which I replied, "Don't judge me. You don't know my heart"! Okay, I didn't say that. I actually said, "Thank you Sir, may I please have another"? I know when I'm out-gunned!
The reason I share this is because a lot of my issues had to do with complaining and doubting God. It sounds stupid, but I was really doing it. When He smacked me up side the head, I realized what I had been saying to Him is, "Jesus, I don't need you because you don't do what I ask. I can do better myself".
To bring it back to the church, is this not what the western church tends to say to Jesus? "I don't need you and I don't need your church"
We would never say it with our mouths, but we say it with our lives. With our actions. Technology has allowed us to stay as far away from each other as possible and still 'think' we are having relationships. Problem is, we want all the goodies and none of the mess. We don't need each other.
So we think...
Safe spaces
If you don't believe me, try inviting someone over to your house. Wait---you don't invite people over to your house? So you're the problem! Seriously though, people don't want to come over to your house and you don't want to go over theirs.
We want to meet in good safe sterile locations like public church buildings and restaurants. "Safe spaces" you might call them. In safe spaces you will never 'accidentally' uncover my personal issues. You will only know the part of me that I want to reveal to you. The rest is none of your business.
If may car is broken, I might invite you over, but that is only because I need you. Do you see how that works? Oh wait, never mind, I'll just take it to the shop. "Psych, I don't need you"!
Coming out of Egypt
God warned His people when they came out of Egypt.
"Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.'"
Since we have not come out of Egypt, and we are born again by the Spirit of God; what is our "wealth" as compared with the Israelites? Or to use New Testament bible talk, what are our idols that we run to when we suffer?
"And if you forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them..."
Gifts of the Spirit
"To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good"
God has provided for our needs through the 'church'. His body. His family. We KNOW we need our family, but instead we run to our idols for our needs. So, in reality, I don't need Jesus and I don't need you.
God help us.
Heart of Worship
That is so so true. Even families seem to only get together for funerals anymore, no one wants to spend personal time together yet that’s what we need the most